Do you have have problems concentrating? Believe it or not, you are not alone! The first thing we need to do - before we can find a remedy for this problem - is to define the term "concentration" itself. According to Princeton University, concentration means:
"great and constant diligence and attention"
This is interesting... If concentration is related to attention then that means that we should be able to improve our concentration by simply becoming more attentive, right?
Now, here's a few suggestions on how to do just that:
Apply The 5 More Rule
Instead of just quitting the task all together, you tell yourself to do only 5 more things before you quit. When these have been accomplished you promise yourself again to only do 5 more things (such as writing only 5 more pages, solving only 5 more math problems etc). The keyword here is the word 'only'; by decreasing the size of the task cognitively you feel less hesitant to abonden it altogether. There's an arabic proverb that says:
"If you Can't finish it altogether - Then Don't leave it altogether"
Treat Yourself Like A Child
What do you do when your little child has accomplished a task? Well, you praise the little fellow and give him/her a reward. Treat yourself in the same manner by offering yourself incentives when ever you've completed a task. This will improve your motivation which inin turn improves your concentration. For more information on increasing your motivation, please refer to this post improve your study motivation.
Why wait? Do It Now!
Procrastination is without doubt one of the biggest enemies you will face as a student. The temptation to delay your studies will always be strong, to counter this your will to succeed must be stronger. Why procrastinate and do something tomorrow if the same task can be done today?
Remove all possible distractions:
The sad thing is that we don't always notice when we are being distracted! There are really two kinds of distractions:
Those that are visible, such as someone who is having a lenghty (and boring) discussion with you during your 'offical study time'. Each and every "cell in your body" tells you that this is very disturbing.
The kind of distractions that are not picked up by 'our radar'. This type is actually worse than the previous one. You can always tell your annoying friend that you're busy but how on earth will you rid yourself from something that you're not even aware of in the first place?
Examples of such distractions are (in no particular order); talking with someone on a topic that interests you, watching a movie while studying/working, listening to music and so forth. All of these things are distracting you from your studies even though you're not thinking about it. The best way to avoid these types of distractions is by avoiding them from the start.
Make a Task List
A to do list is basically a tasklist that makes it easier to concentrate on your subject. It does this by making you think only about one issue at a time. Task lists are in some ways the opposite of mind mapping, since the latter involves scattering ones thoughts instead of collecting them. Although that's a good way to initiate a project, it's not very useful when it comes to actually doing the task in question.
4 Ways to improve your Study Motivation:
Finding motivation, especially study motivation, is not always easy. However, with a little effort we can learn how to increase our motivation. Here are a couple of ways of doing it:
1. Offer Your Self Incentives
Yes, you should give yourself a prize or some sort of reward when you’ve accomplished a task. It could be something as simple as sweets (see the picture, who would turn down this beautiful Danish pastry? …) or something greater like a vacation.
Remember, you have to stipulate the exact conditions that you need to fulfill in order to receive the wonderful cake (I am sorry if I’m rambling about the cake, it is just that the picture made me lose my concentration …)
2. Remember Past Successes
You need to form a positive image in your brain about your studies. I am sure all of us have succeeded on several occasions, remember these past successes and you will feel more motivated to continue!
3. Write Down Your Goals
Don’t just think them, don’t just say them, write them down! The written word is so powerful, that’s why you find salesmen always want you to write something done before you actually make a purchase. By writing your name down, you are in a sense giving your support for their cause. If then asked to make a purchase you will feel more inclined to do that than if you hadn’t signed the paper!
4. See Your Goals (literally speaking…)
Don’t just write them down and leave it like that. Put them up on the wall, paste small post-it notes all over the place. You have to keep on reminding yourself the purpose behind your studies and what type of results you’re expecting to achieve.